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Intermountain Gas Employee Katie Sipe receives Energy Efficiency Rebate Check

Intermountain Gas Employee Katie Sipe receives Energy Efficiency Rebate Check

BOISE, ID – March 8, 2018 – Is there ever a perfect time to have your furnace fail? For IGC employee Katie Sipe, the timing was perfect…only in the sense it occurred right after the launch of the Intermountain Gas Energy Efficiency Program. By replacing her old furnace with a new high efficiency natural gas furnace, Katie received a $350 rebate from Intermountain Gas. Since the launch, the new IGC Energy Efficiency Program has recently surpassed their first milestone: paying out the 100th customer rebate incentive!

Energy Efficiency Program participating customers benefit through reduced energy use and incentives such as rebates. All customers benefit because the reduction in energy use helps the utility avoid the need to procure additional resources at an additional cost to everyone. Other offerings in the Energy Efficiency program include rebates for high efficiency water heaters, fireplaces and a Whole Home Rebate for Energy Star verified homes. Complete Energy Efficiency Program details can be found at

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