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Intermountain Gas Company files request to increase the residential Energy Efficiency Charge

BOISE, ID – August 15, 2019 – Intermountain Gas Company filed a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to change its residential Energy Efficiency Charge by an average increase of 2.9%. If approved, the increase will be coupled with the Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) and take effect Oct. 1, 2019.

The Energy Efficiency Charge pays for the energy efficiency rebate program and is included on customers’ monthly bills under the Energy Efficiency Charge line item. Energy efficiency programs lower customer demand, which means the company does not have to invest as much in additional natural gas infrastructure and supplies. This helps keep the cost of natural gas lower for all customers.

Intermountain currently offers rebates through the program for the installation of high-efficient equipment such as furnaces and water heaters for both existing homes and new construction. Additionally, a rebate is available for the construction of an ENERGY STAR certified new home. Information on the appliance and whole home rebate programs can be found on Intermountain’s website at

The proposed change would increase energy efficiency program funds by $4.3 million over current levels. If approved, the Energy Efficiency Charge would increase a residential customer’s bill by an average of $1.07 per month, or $12.79 per year. The actual dollar amount will vary for each customer based on the customer’s usage. The increase request was filed based on Intermountain’s current forecast of the program’s revenues and expenditures.

The request is a proposal and is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. A copy of the application is available for review at the commission, its homepage, as well as the company’s website Written comments regarding the application may be filed with the commission. Customers may also subscribe to the commission’s RSS feed to review periodic updates via email.

Intermountain Gas urges all customers to use energy wisely. For more information about the company’s energy efficiency program and available rebates for installing high efficiency equipment, visit Conservation tips, information on government payment energy assistance and programs to help consumers level out their energy bills over the year can be found on the company’s website

Intermountain Gas Company is a natural gas distribution company serving approximately 368,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in 75 communities in southern Idaho. Intermountain is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., a member of the S&P MidCap 400 index and the S&P High-Yield Dividend Aristocrats index and is Building a Strong America® by providing essential products and services through its regulated energy delivery and construction materials and services businesses. For more information about MDU Resources, see the company’s website at For more information about Intermountain, visit

Media Contact: Mark Hanson at 701-530-1093 or [email protected].


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