Customer’s Agent Authorization Form
To designate an authorized agent to act as a personal representative for an Intermountain Gas Company residential or commercial customer of record, this form must be completed in full for the Agent to receive access privileges.
Note: This form is not applicable to customers served under interruptible or transportation rates. If any change is needed for an interruptible or transportation customer’s contract, contact your local Industrial Services Manager.
Consent to Disclose Utility Energy Usage Information
This consent is valid for a one-time disclosure of energy usage information relating to a single utility account. Intermountain Gas Company will require an original, separate consent form for disclosure of usage information for each utility account.
Download Consent to Disclose Utility Energy Usage Information Form
Continuous Service Agreement for Property Owners and Landlords
Intermountain Gas Company’s Continuous Service Agreement (CSA) program provides property owners and property management companies the ability to maintain constant, year-round utility service to a property without the worry of interruption if a tenant moves out.
Visit our Property Owners and Landlords page for more information.
Third Party Notification
This service is designed to help customers, especially the elderly or infirm or those with language or reading problems, when there is a risk of losing gas service due to nonpayment of past-due bills or service-related situations.
Download the Intermountain Gas Third Party Notification form